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At Fertility Centre Kenya, our mission is to empower individuals and couples on their journey to parenthood by providing world-class fertility treatments, compassionate care, and unwavering support.

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Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is a groundbreaking reproductive technology that has revolutionized the world of assisted reproduction. It offers hope to couples facing genetic disorders, recurrent miscarriages, or advanced maternal age. In Kenya, Fertility Centre Kenya is a renowned institution that provides PGD services, giving prospective parents the opportunity to have healthy, genetically screened embryos for implantation.

However, understanding the cost associated with PGD in Kenya is crucial for couples considering this advanced reproductive option. In this comprehensive article, we will delve deep into PGD Cost in Kenya, breaking down the expenses, factors affecting the cost, and the value it brings to hopeful parents.

To get PGD treatment at a lower cost in Kenya :

  • To get surrogacy treatment at a lower cost in Kenya:
  • Book an appointment with Fertility Centre Kenya
  • Call/WhatsApp: +254 100241479
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Fertility Centre Kenya IVF Center is a legally Certified ART.
  • 95% Highest success rate with Donor assistance.
  • All fertility treatments are available under one roof.

The PGD Process

Before to diving into the expense, it’s fundamental to comprehend the PGD interaction. PGD includes the screening of undeveloped organisms for hereditary anomalies before implantation, in this way decreasing the gamble of hereditary problems. The cycle incorporates:

Ovarian Stimulation: The initial step includes animating the ovaries to deliver different eggs.

Egg Retrieval: Eggs are then recovered under ultrasound direction through a negligibly obtrusive strategy.

Fertilization: The eggs are prepared with sperm in a lab setting.

Embryo Biopsy: At the blastocyst stage (generally on day 5 or 6), a couple of cells are painstakingly taken out from every incipient organism.

Genetic Screening: The eliminated cells are evaluated for hereditary irregularities or explicit problems.

Embryo Transfer: Solid undeveloped organisms are then chosen to move into the uterus.

 PGD Cost in Kenya
PGD Cost in Kenya

Factors Influencing PGD Cost in Kenya

The cost of PGD in Kenya can vary significantly depending on several factors:

Clinic Reputation: Established and trustworthy ripeness centers might charge higher expenses for PGD because of their experience and achievement rates.

Location: Expenses can vary among metropolitan and rustic regions, with facilities in significant urban areas frequently charging more.

Type of PGD: Various sorts of PGD, like testing for explicit hereditary problems or far-reaching chromosomal screening, have differing costs.

Number of Cycles: The quantity of IVF cycles expected to gather an adequate number of undeveloped organisms for PGD can affect the absolute expense.

Additional Services: Some clinics may bundle PGD with other services, like IVF, which can affect the overall cost.

Medications: The cost of medications for ovarian stimulation and hormonal support can vary.

Expertise: The skill and experience of the medical team involved in PGD can influence the cost.

The Invaluable Benefits of PGD: Ensuring a Brighter Future

While PGD can be a significant financial investment, it offers prospective parents invaluable benefits. It allows couples to:

Reduce Genetic Risk: PGD significantly reduces the risk of passing on genetic disorders to their offspring.

Enhance Pregnancy Success: By choosing sound undeveloped organisms, the possibilities of a fruitful pregnancy and a solid youngster increment.

Emotional Relief: PGD provides peace of mind, reducing anxiety and uncertainty during pregnancy.

Family Planning: Couples can make informed decisions about family size and the number of embryos to transfer.

Service/ExpenseEstimated Cost (KES)
Initial Consultation and Assessment5,000 – 15,000
Ovarian Stimulation Medications20,000 – 50,000
Egg Retrieval30,000 – 80,000
Laboratory Work40,000 – 60,000
Genetic Testing (PGD)60,000 – 120,000
Embryo Transfer20,000 – 40,000
Medications (Hormonal Support)10,000 – 30,000
Monitoring (Ultrasounds, Blood Tests)10,000 – 20,000
Embryo Cryopreservation (Optional)20,000 – 40,000 (annually)
Miscellaneous Costs (Anesthesia, Facility Charges, etc.)10,000 – 30,000

Challenges and Considerations

While PGD offers hope and advanced genetic screening capabilities, there are certain challenges and ethical considerations that patients, healthcare providers, and policymakers need to navigate:

Ethical Dilemmas: PGD brings up moral issues connected with the determination of undeveloped organisms in light of hereditary attributes, including orientation. Moral rules and guidelines should be set up to guarantee dependable utilization of this innovation

Access to Care: While the expense of PGD in Kenya might be more reasonable than in a few different nations, there are still differences in admittance to medical care administrations. Endeavors ought to be made to guarantee that rich medicines are available to all financial gatherings.

Emotional and Psychological Impact: The journey of infertility and assisted reproductive technologies like PGD can be emotionally challenging. Access to counseling and support services is crucial for patients.

Regulatory Framework: Kenya must continue to develop and strengthen its regulatory framework for fertility treatments, ensuring that quality and safety standards are met.


Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) has revolutionized the field of assisted reproduction, offering hope to couples who face fertility challenges and genetic risks. While the cost of PGD in Kenya is a consideration for many, it’s important to recognize the increasing affordability of this technology due to factors such as competition among fertility centers, government support, and advancements in technology.

Couples considering PGD should thoroughly research and consult with fertility centers to understand the specific costs involved in their unique situation. Additionally, exploring health insurance coverage and financial assistance options can help make PGD more accessible.


Is PGD covered by insurance?

Currently, PGD is not always covered by insurance in Kenya. It’s essential to check with your insurance provider for coverage details.

How many PGD cycles are typically needed?

The number of PGD cycles required can vary from individual to individual. Your fertility specialist will determine the most suitable approach for your situation.

Are there any risks associated with PGD?

PGD is generally considered safe, but like any medical procedure, it carries some risks. Your healthcare provider will discuss these risks with you before the procedure.

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At Fertility Centre Kenya, our mission is to empower individuals and couples on their journey to parenthood by providing world-class fertility treatments, compassionate care, and unwavering support.

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At Fertility Centre Kenya, we are dedicated to turning dreams into reality. We understand that the journey to parenthood can be filled with challenges, and we are here to provide hope, support, and exceptional care to individuals and couples seeking to build their families.

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Compassion and Understanding: We recognize that fertility struggles can be emotionally and physically taxing. Our compassionate team of fertility specialists and healthcare professionals is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment where you can openly discuss your concerns and receive the support you need.

Expertise and Innovation: With a focus on excellence and the latest advances in reproductive medicine, our highly skilled team utilizes cutting-edge technologies and evidence-based practices to maximize your chances of success. We continuously strive for innovation and improvement in our services.

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